Baldwin High School Library offers curbside service

Baldwin-Whitehall School District  |  Posted on

Mrs. Brigetta Del Re, Baldwin High School’s Library media specialist, has developed a program designed to offer all online learners the opportunity to borrow library resources. She created a YouTube video instructing students to access the online card catalog that makes it possible to search all books and resources. She then prepares curb-side pickup at each of the schools’ security entrances. Additionally, Mrs. Del Re is teaching students to what not to do to sanitize books to avoid damage – including spraying, microwaving, use of UV light, all of which are measures that damage books.

According to the American Association of School Libraries, Mrs. Del Re instructs students that for books, the best disinfectant is TIME. All books are held in quarantine for at least three days before being put out for loan and are handled within schools with gloves and hand-washing before and after handling books.